Leadership Team
Sister Iris Brown
ExhorterPrayer MinistryUsher's Ministry
Sister Marian Cooke-Wilson
Executive Assistant to PastorChurch Secretary
Brother Christopher Copper
Minister of MusicSister Loretta Freeman
Wisdom MinistryBrother Thomas Gross
Steward Board Pro-TemSister Louise Hackett
Culinary ArtsReverend Denise Jones
Associate MinisterCompassion Ministry
Sister Stephanie Lindsey
Church School SuperintendentBrother Wilbert Normand
Trustee Co-Pro-TemSister Cassandra Richardson
God's Anointing in Motion Dance MinistryBrother James Saunders
Church TreasurerMighty Men of Mount Olive
Sister Portia Turner
Sisters of HopeOutreach MinistryReverend Mary Walker
Associate MinisterMissionary MinistryMOCHOP Program Director
Reverend Isaac D. Wilson, III
Associate MinisterSister Sharaya Wilson
Youth Director